Friday, September 21, 2012

Central Mall Conversion

Operations, Grounds, and PDC are reconfiguring the existing mall into a pedestrian friendly space where the roadways will be replaced with decomposed granite paths.  New planters and landscaping will be installed and the street lighting will be upgraded.

The Grounds staff installing the irrigation lines

Bell Tower HVAC Sound Attenuation

OPC staff is in the process of installing sound attenuators within the Bell Tower HVAC duct work to reduce noise levels caused by air blowing through the system.  This work is focused in the second floor of the south hallways in the Bell Tower Core and is being done off hours. This project is now completed, several punch list items will occur over the next week.

North Quad-Grand Salon Refresh

Operations has refreshed the Grand Salon Exterior; painting the exterior metal and windows of the North Quad Buildings, the exterior painting is now complete.

Grand Salon Exterior painted

A9 Lot Conversion

Operations, Grounds and PDC are reconfiguring the existing parking lot into a landscaped courtyard.  OPC Plumbing staff are installing new drain inlets and drain lines. Facilities staff are cleaning off the roof, painting windows.  Grading will occur next week.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Campus Back Up Power

Contractors are installing a new transformer, re-closer, and infrastructure. It is required to support a new campus back up power system. Preparations are being made to connect the Campus Generators to the system.

Campus Power Lines

El Dorado Hall Roof Replacement

The existing roof in El Dorado Hall had gone beyond its life expectancy. It has been replaced with a new 30 year roof system that offers the benefits of a cold tar system while providing 6 LEED points and pursuing the environmentally friendly strategy the 'Green Campus' strives to follow.  
El Dorado Hall new roof

Friday, September 7, 2012

A9 Lot Conversion

The A9 Parking Lot is being converted to a grassy picnic courtyard for staff, faculty, and students to enjoy.

A9 Lot Conversion, In Progress

North Campus Parking Lot

Enrollment is growing at CSUCI and many of us feel the stress of trying to find a parking spot on campus. The North Campus Parking Lot is completed and ready for use. This lot will help relieve some of the parking stress. There are 300 new spaces in this lot. A pedestrian walkway and bridge connect the lot to Ventura St by El Dorado Hall.

North Campus Lot in Use

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Central Mall Renovation

The hard scape work of this project is nearing complete. Decomposed granite walkways will be installed shortly and irrigation and planting work will follow.  The decomposed granite walkways have high porosity. This means that water can penetrate the soil easily creating less puddles and poolings so we all can get to class and work on time and mess free!

Central Mall, Under Construction 

El Dorado Main Electrical Panel Upgrade

Operations staff have replaced the old 1950's era main electrical panel with a new panel, feeders and circuit breakers. The new system is installed and operational.
Operations staff is painting the Electrical panel

CI Park Safety Upgrades

In order to improve the overall safety of CI Park, Operations staff will be fencing off abandoned structures, removing safety hazards and installing signs.  
An abandoned structure

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Broome Fountain Repair

The Broome Library reflection Pond was cracking and leaking, Operations staff has repaired the cracks and loose concrete.
Broome Libary Fountain