Monday, October 29, 2012

Green House

OP&C staff is installing a new greenhouse for the Science Department which is located adjacent to Modoc Hall.  This project was put on hold to close out the current year-one grant money.  On October 1st, construction started on the second phase of the year-two grant money. 

The Greehouse Lighting has been Installed

North Quad Building Refresh

OP&C have completed painting the Grand Salon Exterior which included the painting of the exterior metal frames and windows of the North Quad Building.  The project is temporarily on hold for necessary patching. 

Grand Salon Interior Refresh

OP&C staff have upgraded the lighting, installed carpeting, refreshed the Heating, Ventilation and the Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system, repainted the interior and exterior walls, installed window coverings and coordinated the installation of sound panels.  This project is complete and some minor punch list items will occur over the next few weeks.

Grand Salon Interior Refresh

Central Mall Conversion- Planting

OP&C staff is currently installing new irrigation lines in the Central Mall.  After the irrigation installations are completed, planting of native, drought tolerant plants will occur.  Saturday, October 27th marks the first date for volunteers to join our staff in planting on the Central Mall.  For more information regarding volunteer services for this project, please contact OP&C at (805) 437-8461.

Achillea Millefolia 'Common Yarrow'
Achillea Millefolia 'Common Yarrow'

Central Mall Peace Pole

OP&C staff have completed the installation of the Peace Pole, including installation of the sod and irrigation system at the two center lawn areas located within the Central Mall.  Irrigation is complete in front of Ojai Hall down to the driveway at the Bell Tower East Courtyard.

Peace Pole

Department of Finance Move

Preparations have begun for the move of the Department of Finance from Bell Tower to Lindero Hall.
Lindero Hall
Lindero Hall